Tools to Navigate Life’s Terrain™

Join the Inner Atlas Wayfinders Club and take an adventure through each Land.

  • Venture into your own uncharted areas of each important topic as you explore more ways to connect to your Inner Guidance System.

  • Each Land will have special worksheets and activities that an adult can sign off on, or send us a photo of your completed work.

  • Once you finish all the lessons and have traversed through each Land using our Wayfinders Guides, you will received a special pin, sticker, and certificate from us for that Land.

There are five lands (so far) for you to navigate through:


Land of OR – learn how to pick the best options and make the best choices.

Land of AND – discover ways to include others and embrace differences.

Land of I AM – learn about the power of the two words ‘I AM’ and how they shape how you see yourself.

Land of NOW – learn what to do with all the thoughts filling up your head so you can enjoy the moment, the now.

Land of ENOUGH – discover that you already have enough, there is enough, and that you are enough when you use a little gratitude.

And COMING SOON, Land of What IF – learn how to face the unknown and enjoy the uncertainties of life.


Stay tuned for more information and when the adventures will begin.

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