Inner Atlas is an enchanting set of tools, instructions, and support that empowers children – together with the adults in their lives – to develop their Inner Guidance Systems and navigate life’s terrain.

About Inner Atlas

What if kids could find their way in the world by going within?

And, what if their capacity to do so is just waiting to be tapped?

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Inner Atlas empowers kids to forge their own path through life.

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We outfit teachers, parents, and therapists with enchanting resources that deliver truly useful solutions, all in one place.

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Inner Atlas can even help steer the adults in a direction of self-discovery.
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Explore our Inner Atlas Resources that help with:

Let’s face it, the world can be a complicated place to find our way in. And so often, our outer experiences shape our inner landscapes and well-being.  
We can get lost in this inner world of emotions, experiences, identity, and dreams.

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Are you a parent wanting to help your family navigate this world inside and out? 

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Are you a teacher or therapist seeking new tools that teach character development and life skills? 
Tools that both resonate with kids and help them thrive?

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Inner Atlas offers the waypoints and directions to help us all find our own Inner Guidance System.

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Your INNER GUIDANCE SYSTEM is your inner knowing that is built through your experiences, emotions, imagination, intuition, and senses, and helps you navigate and thrive in the outer world.

Inner Guidance System Resources & Tools
Engages and empowers kids to forge their own path through life.
Outfits parents and educators as Inner Atlas guides with the resources they need.
Inspires adults to seek their own Inner Guidance System.

Discover our Lands that map out the routes to your Inner Guidance System:

Travel with us through this fine Land of OR
and learn how to choose unlike never before!

Climb on aboard and your world will expand.
We’ll include all we find in this grand Land of AND!

In Land of I AM you will find your way through,
past all the false mirrors and to the real you!

Sit here in NOW; in this Land you will find,
ways to clear all the chaos and quiet your mind.

In this Land you will find there’s no need for more stuff,
because gratitude shows you there’s always ENOUGH.

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“A modern day Dr. Seuss with a contemporary twist and an important message for kids.” 

“Clever, fun, entertaining, visually magical with wonderful  messages for all ages!”
“All I can say in the end is: encore, encore, encore.”
“The life lessons Mullaly concentrates on in her Lands are the foundation of an upstanding human.”
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