The Yabbut, you see, is your own inner guide.
It helps you figure out the things you feel inside.


It’s a teacher that challenges you to explore
What it is you believe when you need to learn more.


So when it appears, know it has many uses;
To show you new ways and to point out excuses.

And me? I’m the Yabbut, your guide here to teach
That what you really need is already in reach.

When you think you are lacking, I’ll quickly point out
That enough is at hand: you aren’t going without.

The Yabbut believes
all your thoughts should be heeded.

That they’re real and important
and actually needed.

Beware of the Yabbut whose only ambition
Is to make you accept what you see. That’s its mission.

So when you spot a warped image you want to believe
Just know it’s the Yabbut who tries to deceive.

If you try to suggest
Bringing on all the rest,
It’s the Yabbut that wants to refuse.

So please notice its tricks
To influence your picks.
Let’s include all we see on our cruise.

The Yabbut, you see, it has only one use;
To always be near and provide an excuse.

When you’re lazy and wanting the easy way out,
And you say, “yeah but,” it will show up, no doubt.

Sly of Yabbuts
a group of Yabbuts

their favorite band

when someone pulls out the
“yeah but” attitude

when you are at your Yabbuty best

what Yabbuts live in

the Land of Yabbuts

Yabbut fans

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