We have many resources and tools that help you and your family navigate life’s terrain.

Scroll Down for Loads of


Each Activity Guide includes fun worksheets and activities, word finders, finger puppets, coloring sheets, certificates, and of course, Yabbut stuff. The Activity Guides follow the books, but can be useful even if you haven’t ventured into the Lands.






Yabbut Jar

Certificates of Awesomeness

Click on each one to download. Then print and give to someone for being awesome!

Land of ENOUGH

Certificate for
Showing Gratitude

Land of NOW

Certificate for
Being in the NOW

Land of I AM

Certificate for Using
Your Best I AMs

Land of AND

Certificate for
Including Others

Land of OR

Certificate for
Making Great Choices

Coloring Sheets

Click on each one to download and color your own Land!

Dancing Yabbuts

Land of ENOUGH

Land of NOW

Land of I AM

Land of AND

Land of OR

Finger Puppets

Print, follow the directions, and have fun!

Guide Posters for Each Land

Print and use to remind you and your family of the lessons from each Land.
Posters are 8.5 x 11 inches.

Travel Guides

Use these travel guides as you journey through each Land. They provide ways to talk about the adventures and keep the lessons going after you have traveled through. 

Land of ENOUGH

Land of NOW

Land of I AM

Land of AND

Land of OR

Yabbut Jar Covers

Charge for all the Yabbuts running around!

Print and put on a jar and watch the Yabbuty $$$ roll in.

Land of ENOUGH Yabbut

Land of NOW Yabbut

Land of I AM Yabbut

Land of AND Yabbut

Land of OR Yabbut

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