The Land of OR Travel Guide is here to show you some of the steps to picking the best options.

We make so many choices every day, some small and not very important and some big and significant. But how much time to we usually take to think about each option and its possible outcomes? The Land of OR is here to guide us all through the decision-making process and help us to make the best choices.

Here are some ideas and ways to talk to your young travelers about their journey through this Land of OR and how to use their new skills in everyday life.

This guide follows the map in the back of the book.

Click on the image below to see a large version of the map.

More Land of OR Resources

So first off, let’s pause for a second or two,
To consider the options that want to join you.

When making a choice, we usually go with the easy, obvious options. But there are usually many options available, ones that could be better choices. We often don’t take the time to look past obvious options to see the better ones that may be hiding behind them.

Something to think about:

Think of a decision you make (big or small). How many options are available to you for that choice?

The Yabbut you see, it has only one use;
To always be near and provide an excuse.

How many times do we say “yeah but”? The Yabbut is a creature that is always around to provide us with reasons, but they are mostly just excuses. What are some excuses you use to pick easy or obvious options? What are the excuses you use when you have picked a bad option? Usually when we start with “yeah but” it means we aren’t choosing wisely or really thinking about it.

Count your Yabbuts throughout the day:

Create a “Yabbut Counter.” Do a Yabbut jar where every time you use Yabbut you have to put in a quarter or create a Yabbut sheet and mark every Yabbut used.

See, intention brings with it a small forceful voice.
It’s the reason, the Why you are making your choice.

Why do we choose the options we do? When we make a choice, what is the intention behind it? Our emotions can affect choices as well. Are we choosing out of fear, anger, joy, frustration? Knowing what your WHY is can improve the outcome of our decisions.

Something to think about:

When you made a good decision, what was your why? How about when you made a bad decision? What were you feeling, and why did you choose it?

What is the IF Then that each one will provide?
What outcome will follow it once you decide?

Every decision we make has consequences. But how often do we think about those outcomes before we make a decision? Sometimes we make the mistake of thinking only about the immediate future. We sometimes make choices without a thought of what the long-term, or even short-term consequences may be.

Something to think about:

Was there a time when a decision didn’t work out or it ended up being a bad one? What did you learn from it?

If you want ________ then you need to _______. Lay out a game plan for your young travelers so they can keep the IF Thens in mind.

The choices you make don’t involve you alone.
Who else is affected is what you must own.

Our choices affect other people, not just ourselves. These choices can have good or bad impacts on others. It is important to consider who else could possibly be affected by the options we choose.

Something to think about:

How can your choices affect other people? For example, could your choice leave someone else out? What about the choice to speak up for what’s right, or the choice to help out a friend?

Choose the right option, the Best one you see,
The Best one for YOU, for who YOU want to be!

In the end, we all want to pick the option that will make us a better person. This applies to our small choices as well as the big ones. Remember, what option you choose today will have an impact on the YOU of tomorrow.

Something to think about:

What are some of the choices that make you a better person? For example: being kind, eating healthy foods, or choosing to study and do well in school.

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