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Think of this book as a lifesaver of sorts.
“Land of NOW” is without a doubt the most alluring children’s book yet from the dynamic duo of American writer Katie Mullaly and British artist Toby Allen. The fourth offering under Mullaly’s Faceted Press imprint, this magical foray into the concept of being here now is not a subject for the feint of heart. In fact, this writer forecasts a wide demographic of interest for this message of living in the moment, and predicts a readership age range from 9 to 99, for we could all use the lessons to be learned upon these masterfully crafted pages.

From the opening line of “Land of NOW”, Mullaly spins her special brand of swinging, rhyming prose, enticing readers to join her exploration of what happens to a person’s brain when it is befuddled, muddled or in chaos. And before anyone suggests this is inappropriate material to read to children; think again, as we shovel our collective ways through the daily hodge-podge of confusing, powerful images and sounds flooding across our media devices. I think it is fair to say that few current events are properly explained to children, so think of this book as a lifesaver of sorts. These are baffling, mysterious times for many folks, especially our tiniest citizens, and this fun and artful book makes this journey through the Land of NOW even more positive.

Anyone can appreciate having the benefits of a guide through unknown territory, and what better place to have a chaperon than through problem areas of our brain. Everyone has those moments of confusing, mental mayhem, when your head feels like it will burst. But with a few well explained techniques, any of us may work our way back to clarity, peace and calm. For a little person, Mullaly’s singular take on the importance of relying on one’s own ability to reach that serene place, is a treasure of untold value.

While the poetic prose of author Katie Mullaly may be fairly advanced for some, because of the beautiful, comforting and approachable illustrations of Toby Allen, the complex set of messages are served on a platter dressed for visual enjoyment in its finest forms. Even the villains are cute in this book. And what a balancing act these two creators have managed to produce, for many others have tried what Mullaly and Allen succeed in doing so handsomely; to entertain while educating children about a matter so often ignored and yet so critical for our kids to understand.

This is a must-read book for almost all ages (9-99), and one I highly recommend for the urban family especially, for now more than ever our children are overwhelmed with complicated and contradictory messages flooding their soft, impressionable brains. In this book, kids and parents are given powerful tools to fend off those mental monsters, and through the wondrous tradition of storytelling, utilize simple, logical steps to return to our peaceful, natural mental state. Thank you Katie Mullaly and Toby Allen for this magnum opus for our loved ones.

Gregory B. Gallagher is an award‐winning filmmaker, travel writer, and one of the original Canadian writers of the Sesame Street TV Show. He lives on an island in French Canada with his wife, artist Linda Hart.

An incredible way of teaching kids (and adults) on how to live in the present.
This book couldn’t be more relevant to what we all go through on a daily basis. The Land of NOW is all about understanding how to live in the present. And honestly, adults can probably benefit from reading this book just as much, or more then, kids! In fact, I’m 36 and a new business owner and my mind has been going in every direction thinking about a million things nonstop lately, and I picked up this book and it was literally a Godsend. It makes so clear to readers (of all ages!) what the mind’s chatter and fears really are and aren’t to your life. Then on top of that, it teaches how to let go of past traumas or incidences that are holding you back in the Now. It’s an incredible psychology lesson in an extremely uplifting and adventurous way for families to enjoy. The author has blessed us with such great writings from her heart on this topic, and the illustrations are bright and full of adventure and fun. It’s the perfect book for any worriers you might know. 5 stars all the way!

Love this book
I absolutely love this book. The message, the art work, the rhythm in the rhyming.

Important message, easy read
It is a kid friendly story about how to clear your brain from chaos, regret, worry, stress and live in the Now and be present. As an adult I am constantly working on this and I think it’s a great subtle message to start at a young age!

Perfect book
This book is incredibly beautiful! Not only are the illustrations gorgeous, but the message is a good one, not just for kids, but adults as well. I bought it for my daughter but read it before giving it to her and it was so perfect it made me happy-cry; I’ve recently been diagnosed with cancer and Lyme disease and this book was such a simple reminder to calm down and take life one moment at a time. Couldn’t be more pleased.

Love these books!
These books are all so creative and helpful! I’m using them in my therapy practice and my clients are getting lots of insight. Definitely recommend!!

Lovely Story for Every Age
I’m a high school English teacher and I shared this book with sophomores during a unit on mindfulness. They loved it. We had a spirited debate as to what is the best age for kids to read this. As 16 year olds they loved it, and found well over a dozen messages in the story about how to be present and how to manage the mind and all of its worry. I think it’s great for younger kids, even little ones, no, they won’t get the message by themselves, but that’s the power behind the point. I envision a small child picking this as his favorite to be read to every night. She may not fully understand the messages, even when she gets to that point of having it memorized (the rhyming is Dr. Seuss-like) but she will be enchanted by the illustrations and I believe the gentle messages will take hold subconsciously. Mom and dad can benefit from these messages as well. The stories are so brilliant, her whole series is fantastic and exactly what our children need–positive and loving messages of love and acceptance. I have never been so impressed with a children’s book and Katie Mullaly has several. Every age can take away something valuable.

Great Book For Everyone!!!
The Land of Now is an incredible book with deep meaning. It discusses the importance of staying present and mindful in a kid friendly format, that is appealing to all ages.

READ IT!!! Highly Recommend
This is a great message for adults and kids. I read this book in my sophomore honors English class and it was really well written.

Great Lesson!
This book is great for all ages and teaches such great lesson about how to view life, no matter whether you are old or young! Loved it!

Great message that any age can understand.
The illustrations were great and flowed with the story perfectly. Overall a great book.

A wonderful little reminder for the darkest hours.
During these times, remaining present has become a difficult task. With the pandemic, no one can expect anything. We have been living in chaos for past several months and the situation probably will not change soon. For a person like me suffering from the Generalized Anxiety Disorder is even harder to cope with my day-to-day anxiety multiplied by the unclear situation nowadays. But thanks to Land of NOW, my companion throughout these difficult times, I was able to remind myself to stay present.

The book starts with an impersonation of a reader of the book wandering around stuck in chaotic mind. After a while, you, as the impersonation, encounter someone peacefully sitting under a tree, watching the messy life with almost a Zen calm and stillness. This “someone” becomes your guide through the Land of NOW where you learn how to stay present and on top of things. The main obstacles you meet in your way are Fretters of the Future, Pesterings of the Past, and Resisters of What Is. They seem as cute as the loveliest pets at first, but your guide teaches you they are harmful. You learn to let go of them to successfully arrive to the Land of NOW.

Land of NOW teaches important concepts using a simple yet effective language. The guide’s advice resonates even better thanks to rhymes. Also, people are visual creatures, so impersonating one’s mind and thoughts allows to grasp the concepts easier, especially for children. The journey to Land of Now then becomes a funny quest. The book takes the reader directly as the main protagonist to its world. He or she then meets different creatures and learn along the way whether they are useful.

Although Land of NOW is primarily meant for children, its beautiful illustrations by Toby Allen and lovely rhymes by Katie Mullaly will catch an adults’ hearts as well. Land of NOW is a wonderful little reminder for the darkest hours. This book allows you to stop for a few minutes and think about the beauty in this world even though it is not always sunshine and rainbows.

Martina Koutová, Czech Republic

An incredible way of teaching kids (and adults) on how to live in the present.
This book couldn’t be more relevant to what we all go through on a daily basis. The Land of NOW is all about understanding how to live in the present. And honestly, adults can probably benefit from reading this book just as much, or more then, kids! In fact, I’m 36 and a new business owner and my mind has been going in every direction thinking about a million things nonstop lately, and I picked up this book and it was literally a Godsend. It makes so clear to readers (of all ages!) what the mind’s chatter and fears really are and aren’t to your life. Then on top of that, it teaches how to let go of past traumas or incidences that are holding you back in the Now. It’s an incredible psychology lesson in an extremely uplifting and adventurous way for families to enjoy. The author has blessed us with such great writings from her heart on this topic, and the illustrations are bright and full of adventure and fun. It’s the perfect book for any worriers you might know. Five stars all the way!

Wow. I am absolutely blown away after reading Land of Now.
It is hard to stay in the Land of NOW when we are constantly anticipating another book from the Land of…children’s series.  Katie and Toby are my classroom heroes.  I am continually amazed by their ability to create such engaging and visually stunning books that teach valuable life skills to students AND their teachers.  Land of NOW is officially my new favorite in the series (until the next Land gets created, of course).

Francesca Lindgren, 5th grade teacher, Mammoth Heights Elementary in Parker, Colorado


The Land of NOW inspires us through its beautiful illustrations and valuable lessons.  We appreciated learning that we shouldn’t worry about things that our out of our control. Thanks Katie and Toby for helping us learn new ways to handle our worries and the stress that can come from being a kid. As a class we always love being transported into the Land of…children’s books.  Living in the NOW is always fun, because once you’re there… you’re never done!

Mrs. Lindgren’s 5th grade class, Mammoth Heights Elementary in Parker, Colorado

Our family gives this book 5 stars!
When Land of Now was delivered we read it as a family and I knew immediately this book was written for my 10-year-old son.

No, not literally but this book takes my thoughts as a mom and turns them into an incredible learning adventure.  With creative words, colorful illustrations and understanding text, my children were able to enjoy and comprehend the entire story.

For years my son and I have talked about his “worry bug” and he feels like this is his “worry bug guide.”  He has days when his “worry bug” gets the best of him and he is now able to refer to Land of NOW to guide him through his worried moments. He told me he has learned that everybody has hard days and we all get through them differently. Our favorite character is the guide, he reminds us of our friends and that we’re never alone when we have friends.

While reading Land of NOW we kept wanting to know what was going to happen next.

Our family gives this book 5 stars!

My children range in age 3-14 and all of them have taken and implemented our learning adventure into their own Now’s.

I recommend this book to ALL parents and preschool to middle school teachers.  This book along with Land of AND, Land of OR and Land of I AM are a MUST for every school library, county library and home library.

Thank you Katie!

Love Alicia Ward and Family

Mesmerized the Whole Time
With Cyber Monday tomorrow, I thought I’d suggest a travel related gift for the kids, the “Land of I Am”, the new book by Katie Mullaly. The first two books are still favorites of my nephews, especially 7 year old Paul. But this book with more challenging words and deeper meaning, was tough for Paul although he still likes it. But, my 10 year old nephew Peter loved it. It took Peter about half way through to figure it out, but he was mesmerized the whole time. The “Land of I Am” speaks to not letting what people say negatively impact your life. Quite frankly, I know a few adults that should read this book.

Another amazing book!
My kids and I have a hard time choosing our favorite (out of all 4 books), but the Land of NOW does not disappoint! Being mindful and present is probably one of the greatest struggles in our society; not just for adults, but for our children as well—learning how to be present and enjoy the moment we’re given is a process, and this book definitely walks you through that process. Mindfulness is a key aspect in many types of clinical therapy, and even though this book is written for kids, nearly every adult (therapist, teacher, or other professional) I’ve shared it with, agrees that this book can be used to build mindfulness skills for anyone! Thank you Katie and Toby for another well written and beautifully illustrated book that captures the attention of both adults and children!

Hanna Morzenti, MA, MSW, PhD Student

A Must Read at Any Age
The Land of NOW is a MUST read for everyone!  No matter your age, the message in this sweet, poignant book is priceless.  As a life coach, I will recommend this to all my clients.  The message is deep, but delivered in rhyme with beautiful illustrations, making it such a joyful reminder of how to navigate our overthinking. We all need to remind ourselves of the message in this book every day.

Stephanie Barton, Life Dream Coach

Great for the Young and Old
Every page in this book is filled with fun, and yet, thought-provoking ideas, like a Dr. Seuss book – great for the young and the old. I wish it had been around when I was a kid because I would have learned how to stay in the present a lot sooner.

Kirsten Henry Fox

Eye-opening, imaginative, and deeply touching.
Katie Mullaly’s newest addition to her “Land of…” series, Land of Now, is eye-opening, imaginative, and deeply touching. Mullaly has brought to light another aspect of human imperfection, one that is ingrained especially deep into us at a very young age. As humans, our thoughts stop us from becoming and choosing who we want to be. We often live in places other than “now” which foster insecurities and doubts about ourselves and the people around us. In the Land of Now, Mullaly shows the reader how important it is to live in the now rather than past and/or future. Allen’s original artistic style gives the reader and child the imagination of what these voices look and sound like to us. His art, creative as ever, even gives us the power to overcome them. Mullaly has gone above and beyond to connect to children across the country and teach them essential life skills to carry with them throughout their lives.

Hayley Lopez, mom-to-be

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