Inner Atlas is an enchanting set of tools, instructions, and support that empowers children – together with the adults in their lives – to develop their Inner Guidance Systems and navigate life’s terrain.

Challenges for Kids and Families

Families and kids are facing some big issues today. One in five young people is affected by mental health challenges and two-thirds of those who need treatment do not have access to it. Add on to that, 31% of parents say they are facing their own mental health issues and they don’t know where to turn for their own well-being. Parents face big obstacles in these challenging times. They don’t know where to go to find truly useful and engaging resources for their kids along with the whole family.

Consumer Challenges

Consumers are looking for products – books, media, toys, games – that can improve their children’s mental well-being, that engage the whole family, and helps them all navigate life’s challenging terrain.

Publisher Challenges

Publishers want to meet the mental health needs of their young readers but don’t always have the enchanting content and tools that will attract buyers and keep the whole family engaged.

Media Challenges

Media companies are looking for ways to explore issues of mental health while still being entertaining. They are seeking something new and unique that truly stands out in a saturated market.

Toy & Game Company Challenges

Companies are wanting to create toys and games that provide mental, emotional, and social health tools that consumers today are searching for. Tools that can also engage the whole family, and help them all navigate life’s challenging terrain.
WHAT IF kids could find their way in the world by going within?
And, what if their capacity to do so is just waiting to be tapped?
WHAT IF there were enchanting tools and engaging resources
that truly address these inner challenges and offer useful solutions
that help the whole family change their outer experiences and perspectives?
WHAT IF adults could access a full suite of inner guidance resources
that equip them as guides for children’s empowerment
in this complex world?
WHAT IF there were fully-developed BOOKS and resources
that could meet the mental health needs of readers
of all ages? Books that truly stand out.
WHAT IF there were new ANIMATED adventures that took viewers
on journeys of mental well-being, were truly empowering,
and stood out from the rest?
WHAT IF there were enchanting TOYS and GAMES that
could help meet the mental, emotional, and social
well-being of consumers of all ages?

Inner Atlas engages and empowers kids to forge their own path through life.

We outfit kids, parents, teachers, and therapists (in 22 countries, so far) with enchanting resources that deliver truly useful solutions, all in one place.

We have created timeless stories, unforgettable characters, and truly useful tools that engage the whole family and are perfectly suited for a wide variety of platforms and products.

Inner Atlas even helps inspire and steer the adults in a direction of self-discovery.

Travel with us through this fine Land of OR and learn how to choose unlike never before!

Climb on aboard and your world will expand. We’ll include all we find in this grand Land of AND!

In Land of I AM you will find your way through, past all the false mirrors and to the real you!

Sit here in NOW; in this Land you will find, ways to clear all the chaos and quiet your mind.

In this Land you will find there’s no need for more stuff, because gratitude shows you there’s always ENOUGH.

When faced with unknowns there is nothing to dread, ’cuz in Land of What IF, you’ll enjoy them instead.

Inner Atlas provides the coordinates and bearings to assist life’s travelers
in discovering their Inner Guidance System.

Listed below are the current Inner Atlas products (books and posters) along with our other potential programs and products. Be a part of bringing these essential and enchanting life skills tools to market.

Enchanting Books of Each Land
Supplemental Activity Guides
Posters, Postcards, Screensavers
Inner Atlas Passports (In Development)
Inner Atlas Journals (In Development)
Special Wayfinders Club for Kids
Wayfinders Guides for Each Book
Awards for Completing Each Guide:
Stickers and Pins for Each Land
Certificates for Each Land
Stuffed Characters
Figurines and Action Figures
Puzzles and Games
Trading Cards
And so much more!!!
Classroom Materials and Books
Teacher Resources
Inner Atlas Academy Certificates
Lessons for All Age Groups and Grades
Videos for Online Learning Platforms
Cartoons and Series of Each Land
Expanded Stories
Character Origins
Youth Theater Plays and Performances
And SO Much More!
Inner Atlas Branded:
Hats and Beanies
And Other Apparel

We are looking for partners to transform our tools, our Lands, the messages and art, into meaningful products – books, toys and games, animation, and other materials – and help us empower children, and the adults in their lives, to develop their Inner Guidance Systems and navigate life’s terrain.

Katie Mullaly, Owner and Creator


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