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Enchant, encourage, and enrich your entire family.
In a world where it feels like we are failing at teaching kids important life lessons like the importance of cultivating gratitude, this book is instrumental in changing that. Land of Enough is a beautiful and well told story that teaches kids about gratitude and why it is so important. The illustrations are gorgeous and my kids have fallen in love with the “Ya Butt!” This book will enchant, encourage, and enrich your entire family. – Meggie Martin

Never ceases to amaze us and captivate us.
Katie and Toby have done it again! Their magic for storytelling, powerful illustrations and beautiful messages never ceases to amaze us and captivate us. We can get so caught up in the comparison game and feeling like we want and need more. Land of Enough helps kids (of all ages!) learn the power of gratitude. Gratitude for what they have and gratitude for themselves. We are so excited to add Land of Enough to our other Land Of books. These books will be in our family for many generations to come! – Heidi Fish

Every person, young or old, should read this book.
I really liked how the Yabbut was the protagonist in this story unlike the other books where he was the antagonist. I also liked how the story teaches us that we should be grateful for what we have, and not ask for more than we need. The illustrations made the story even better. I would recommend that every person, young or old, should read this book.

Andre, age 13 and huge fan

An experience that shows us the “why” and “how” behind how true “Enough” is.
This book is jam packed with so many “aha!” moments that I could literally take sentences from the book and hang them on my wall as inspiration every day.

We all suffer from feeling like we’re not enough or that we don’t have enough. But Katie masterfully uses scenarios we all relate to and shifts our perspectives in the most engaging and brilliant way. You totally forget about where you are in this moment because the world, and your role in it, is presented to you differently. And it makes complete sense.

I love the illustration style of the book because it makes me feel like I’m going on a theme park ride into this new land, and at each stop there’s a struggle both kids and adults can absolutely relate to, but then we get to see who we are and our situations in a fresh, new way. To where we realize….holy smokes each one of us truly IS so special and uniquely made, and everything all around us IS more than enough. She also touches on sharing and giving in a way I never looked at before, it’s genius.

This book is an experience that shows us the “why” and “how” behind how true “Enough” is, and how we can practically live and enjoy our lives in that truth every day. I keep it on hand daily as a tool to always refer back to if I’m ever feeling worried or down that who I am or what I have won’t be enough.

Educator Reviews

Shaping the next generation.
The Land of Enough is yet another work of creative genius by author Katie Mullaly. Her “children’s” books keep getting better and better and they are applicable for all ages. Katie is a combination of Dr. Seuss and Dr. Phil where her stories take important values and concepts and present them in the most relatable way that every age group can glean from. Her audience and demographic is limitless. Children will love them for the message that is woven into a unique rhyme and gorgeous illustrations, and any adult who reads it will receive a valuable reminder of what’s important in life. Each of her books offer wise messages delivered with breathtaking creativity, and The Land of Enough is no exception. I am convinced that her books will take their place next to Dr. Seuss on your children’s book shelves and will someday surpass the Seuss collection for their wisdom, cleverness and incredible illustrations. Her series is like no other out there and would make a precious gift for every child in your life. Mom and dad get a good reminder of the values they want to impart every time they read this to their children as well. Katie Mullaly is shaping the next generation.  I cannot recommend her books enough. – High School English Teacher

A wonderful book that I find myself reading again and again with my students.
As a school counselor at an elementary school, social/emotional books are an imperative part of my counseling program. The world that Katie Mullaly and Toby Allen have created in the Land of Enough is so magical and the words Katie writes are so important for young readers to read and hear. The Land of Enough takes us on a journey of gratitude, sharing, and self-worth with our returning friend, the Yabbut. It is a wonderful book that I find myself reading again and again with my students. Thank you for showing that gratitude, sharing, and self-worth go hand in hand and that, if we slow down and pay attention to the immediate world around us, we can truly appreciate everything we have and everything we are. – Elementary School Counselor

A beautiful journey towards knowing we are enough.
Wow what another beautiful and moving story. It’s nice to see the Yabbut take on a new role and be a guide when our narrow perspective isn’t showing us all that there is. Children need to know what a gift they are and just how much they have to give. Land of Enough is a beautiful journey helping us all move away from the dead end road of more and towards the self-awareness we all deserve of knowing we are enough. Kids and adults alike should always know they both have and are enough. – 4th Grade Teacher

Gentle, heartwarming wisdom.
The Land of Enough is right on time to remind all of us that gratitude can change our perspective in life and literally transform our world if we would all practice it.  The precious life lesson of sharing what we have and cherishing the exchange with others rather than chasing more is priceless! It literally gave me goosebumps.  Like all the other “Land of” Children’s Books, this new addition is full of gentle, heartwarming wisdom and is beautifully illustrated.  A must for every home library!

Reminding us of very important lessons!
Land of Enough is the perfect addition to the Land Of books! This book teaches how all we have, and all we are, is all that we need. This book is written so beautifully, I love Katie’s flow of writing and rhymes. This book is for children and adults reminding us of very important lessons!

Profound gifts to “kids” of all ages.
Katie Mullaly’s “Land of” books are profound gifts to “kids” of all ages. When it’s easy to be confused about who we are and what we want and need, her books provide simple clarity. The newest in her book series, “Land of Enough” is a beautiful reminder of the power of gratitude in our lives, and that when we look through the eyes of gratitude, we will find that we already have everything we need to find joy in our lives.

A great reminder for all of us, young and old!
Land Of Enough is beautiful through and through! From the artwork to the message, it truly teaches us the importance of being grateful for what we have.

One of my favorite lines is this: “If you’re not happy now, more won’t do any good, ‘cuz more doesn’t bring joy, never did, never could.” And it’s so true! So often we think that if we just had more of this or that, we would be happy. But once we get it, often we are just left wishing for even more, or the next big thing.

I also really liked that it talked about how we are enough, and we don’t need to try and be someone else. “If you long to be more, here’s where to begin, just appreciate you, ‘cuz more comes from within.” And that is truly the take away in the book, that the change comes from within! That change is being grateful!

At the end of the book when they go back to the place they started from, it was technically the same, but gratitude transformed it into a special place that was perfect! Instead of wanting more and only seeing what they lacked, they were able to actually recognize what they did have. Nothing actually changed, just their perspective.

I truly loved this book and am grateful I had the chance to read it. This book isn’t just for kids, but rather a great reminder for all of us, young and old! Another great installment in the “Land of” series!!

I encourage everyone to pick up this book.
Another great book with a life lesson for us all, easily understood for all ages!  The message of gratefulness and how it transforms our desire for more into recognizing that we have enough; is beautiful. Our entire family enjoys the cadence of the story and the vibrant images as they travel through the land. We regularly reread these books as a family to keep the reminders of these lessons at the front of our minds and hearts. I encourage everyone to pick up this book and the rest of them in this series!

I’ll definitely be recommending this book.
I really liked the message of this story (again!). We are trying our best to help our kids learn about this, and doing our best as well. Learning to have enough, and to share, is one of the most important lessons our kids can learn for the sustainability of our planet, so this resonated for me. I’ll definitely be recommending this book along with all the others!

The writing is powerful and the illustrations are masterful.
Land of ENOUGH is beautiful. As a mother of 4 children, I know all too well how bad it can get when any of them have the “gimmies.” This book teaches them about gratitude, and recognizing that what they already have is truly enough. A perfect addition to our Land Of collection, the writing is powerful and the illustrations are masterful. It will absolutely be a book we will read over and over again.

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